Aimee Leduc
The address is #77 7121 192 Street. During the day you are likely to find parking along 192 Street, but in the afternoon and evenings you may need to use some of the guest parking within the complex. There are 2 guest spots directly in front of our unit, and 1 directly beside our unit, as well as more clearly labeled spots throughout the complex.
Regardless of where you park, the clinic entrance is on 192 Street, so plan for an extra minute to walk around to that entrance. Strata does not permit signage for the business, so I will text a picture of our clinic entrance and the beautiful green pinwheel we bought to signal our location.
It is important to note that you cannot turn left into or out of our complex.
Once again, please remain in your vehicle until your appointment time. Text me when you arrive and I will come out to get you when I am ready. Please remember that masks are still required at the clinic for the foreseeable future.